Sunday, April 19, 2009

MODULE 2 Email

Getting up to date with my blog posts after a week of playing catch up!
Email Tasks:
Information about the sender and the path a message took can be obtained from the header infomation in the email, and if you look in View , Options, Internet Headers: when the message is open in Microsoft Outlook.
There is a lot of data in the internet headers you don't see when you use the program. I suppose this is a good thing as most people would find just sorting through their emails on a regular basis is reading enough!

The cc, bcc and reply all functions on email are a fantastic tool to allow you to pass along information to other people in the information chain who need to know about the communication you are sending. Reply all is great because you dont have to individual address your reply email to those who already part of the email "conversation.
Reply all can be a bit cumbersome if used lazily. I have instances where a question is asked and everyone replies to all " Thanks for that". This type of communication causes un-needed clutter in the inbox.

Email Attachments can be very useful - fantastic to send documents and files quickly. If I'm not sure of the software the receiver will have I will send a .pdf file for a document or spreadsheet etc. maybe a .jpg file if it is a picture or .rtf if its a straight text document. These documents are easy to send size wise as well - as a pdf is usually smaller than a publisher file, and a .jpg can be resized for the senders purpose or to keep your picture secure. eg: if you dont want your picture reproduced for posters you can just send a thumbnail size .jpg to give the reader an idea of the picture but they could not steal your image and reproduce it because the quality would be too poor.

Email filters and rules are a godsend if you have lots of emails coming into you inbox. I sort supplier files and incoming regular correspondence using message rules. Supplier files get automatically forwarded to others, then deleted. Certain contacts get filed into their own files for dealing with later as they are not urgent.
I have two types of filters - one is before mail gets to my inbox and is filtered by my ISPs bigpond and tpg. Then I have CA scan emails as they come in with suspicious ones going to a seperated file for review, then approval or deletion.

My folders in my email program at home are organised into various categories of my life - family & friends, community work, work, studies, health & fitness, computer information, home management. Then I have subfolders for some folders eg: study has NET11 and SSK12. Community work has progress association, tafe mentoring etc.
The most important folder is the TO DO folder file. This is the one that has urgent, don't forget to do this stuff soon items in it!

I found the tutorial via link to University of Ohio quite basic - but informative for the absolute beginner. I wonder why this university would us a University of Ohio tutorial? Surely with all the academics in this field curtin would have a basic document explaining the same as this?

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