Wednesday, March 11, 2009


So pleased that I have completed this exercise. The link in the task window didn't work, so I went to plan b - check the discussion board. The advice here is invaluable. From reading the 40 posts I was able to decide on my course of action. Firstly I did a search of my computer to see if I had Telnet on my system. The search showed 2 help files and 3 .app files. I opened the help files and read what I could on commands - it all started to gel with what the discussion board posts were saying. I kept the help screens open...

I crossed my fingers and doubled clicked on the window system32 telnet application and a dos window opened. Yay, I was on my way. Referring to the help screen I typed open I was in! I was able to follow the telnet screen instructions to search for Bennahum. Here is what happened:
I was on a roll - after checking that the email went thru ok I check the bibliographic information for each record.

It was tricky backing out of the program, ie. getting to a point where Q for quit would work but after going back to the original search screen I could use the quit command.

Quite amazing how used to the windows environment we are - Its like we have forgotton that DOS type systems even exist. This exercise showed how quickly and easily it can work - providing you know the correct commands. was awesome - my kids will love it as they are so into star wars. Dont know if they've ever watched anything in black & white before.

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