Wednesday, March 25, 2009

traceroute task & pings

used traceroute tool from to find route to

tried to paste to this screen but columns all bunched up and ugly! 19 hops in 282 milliseconds!
TraceRoute to [] the curtin IP is listed.
This task shows what an amazing job routers do to get us connected and communicating around the world - or just down the street.
Pings: using network-tools

Round trip time to 268 msRound trip time to 253 msRound trip time to 256 msRound trip time to 267 msRound trip time to 254 msRound trip time to 254 msRound trip time to 256 msRound trip time to 272 msRound trip time to 266 msRound trip time to 257 ms
Average time over 10 pings: 260.3 ms

I downloaded A-toolbar and did traceroute to - did it in 11 hops but 1048596 milliseconds! the last hop took ages - maybe firewall or something?
ping via A-toolbar: in 4 out of 5 pings 1048596ms one was 168ms. Tried pinging this blogger site and that turned out to be large - 1048596ms as well sometimes. Wonder if it could be my wireless internet causing the delay?

Playing Catch up

Already at the start of week four feeling the pressure, have spent all day on my other very demanding unit. Promise will be devoting some time tomorrow to this unit. Tackling final lot of week 3 work tonight! The most helpful part of the unit is the discussion boards. I read every post so I don't miss a thing. Wondering if there are many other students that are reading the posts and gaining knowledge like myself - but behind a bit and feeling I have not got anything to contribute to the discussion board because some are already ahead and sorted out the problems. Also feel like I lack knowledge in this subject and just playing the role of follower!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

FTP - file transfer protocol

This server runs on a unix platform, so CAPITALIZATION MATTERS!
A file named "file.txt" IS NOT THE SAME as "FILE.TXT"

Downloaded filezilla OK. Could not log in as I was trying to login as anonymous and my email as the password as I had read somewhere.
The discussion board put me on the right track there!

When I logged in using no username and password everything worked fine.
found the file and dragged it to my desktop - worked a treat.
Very surprising the ease of getting into the server computer and access to the files there.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Blogger - things to do

Note to self
fix up header for this blog! not happy with the blank windows at the side.
At the very least would like to choose different colors or abstract pattern to put there.
Might have to tackle that this weekend - If I get thru all the set tasks on my schedule this week.
I find it annoying when you add a picture blogger places it at the top of the blog entry. You then have to move it, and it leaves behind a blank line. Easy enough to fix, but annoying.


So pleased that I have completed this exercise. The link in the task window didn't work, so I went to plan b - check the discussion board. The advice here is invaluable. From reading the 40 posts I was able to decide on my course of action. Firstly I did a search of my computer to see if I had Telnet on my system. The search showed 2 help files and 3 .app files. I opened the help files and read what I could on commands - it all started to gel with what the discussion board posts were saying. I kept the help screens open...

I crossed my fingers and doubled clicked on the window system32 telnet application and a dos window opened. Yay, I was on my way. Referring to the help screen I typed open I was in! I was able to follow the telnet screen instructions to search for Bennahum. Here is what happened:
I was on a roll - after checking that the email went thru ok I check the bibliographic information for each record.

It was tricky backing out of the program, ie. getting to a point where Q for quit would work but after going back to the original search screen I could use the quit command.

Quite amazing how used to the windows environment we are - Its like we have forgotton that DOS type systems even exist. This exercise showed how quickly and easily it can work - providing you know the correct commands. was awesome - my kids will love it as they are so into star wars. Dont know if they've ever watched anything in black & white before.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Net11 Module 1

I have just finished reading Module 1 and am duly impressed by the way everything works to made the world wide web and emails happen. The fore-sight of Tim Berners Lee in 1992* to conceptualise the URL and HTTP, and the fact that the protocols still exist today is amazing.
I am not sure if I should be referencing / citing anything that I discuss on this blog, but decided to put the link in until I am fully aware of the correct procedure for this blog.
DJ :)


DJ's Top 5 tips for new bloggers

1: Decide the best blog for you - I chose blogger because it's simple with templates, and was recommended by others in my class who seemed to know what they were doing. The templates were a real time saver - however I need to spend a bit more time customising my page.
2: Check out other peoples blogs - there are so many creative people out there with inspirational blogs get your ideas flowing
3: Don't disclose personal details - unless you want those details exposed and published for the whole world to see, download, forward, copy .........
4: Don't Stress - you are not the only blogger out there - enjoy yourself - my idea of a good blog is one which is easy to read and entertaining
5: Just Do It - ya gotta start somewhere

- DJ :)

What a week!

Just commencing the second week of study by completing the first weeks work!
Already feeling behind the eight ball - so much reading. Totally underestimated the amount of time it would take to read the discussion boards and all the threads for the two units I am studying.
Just reviewed Week one of NET11 and see I haven't done my top 5 tips for first time bloggers - See my next post!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Here we go

Welcome to my first blog post!
thought I better make a start but too tired to put anything interesting in it tonight - Just glad I was able to get this far!
Templates and setup was easy - need to check out all the options for settings and layout to make more personalised. Looking forward to checking out others blogs from my unit NET11.
Regards Debra J.